Friday, February 10, 2006

The God of Small Things

Cliché as it is, it is the small things that bring a smile to your face; in the middle of class, on a sleepy sunday morning, at an embitteringly boring party... whenever...
Strangely I can actually recall some of the little things that made me smile this past week....
That chill that ran down my spine. Unforseen, but not sudden.
The goosebumps that plagued my arm when they blew on my neck or nuzzled thier faces into it.
When I burrowed my face into his fragrant fragile frame, his teddy.
Those pants that finally fit.
When I "wasted" the day away, but still felt fulfilled.
Poetry. Music. Motion. Anything... under a canopy of trees, behind the library... anything.
I discovered a new blog. Nice blog. Blogger. Blogee.
I know i made someone really truly happy.
Seeing someone really truly happy.
Chocolates and ice cream; just the right kind. Friends; at just the right time.
Understanding exactly what you mean because ive thought it innumerable times, and again. You stole the words from my head and thought them, said them.
Because she remembered.
That special song starts playing, those memories follow suit...
Because I remember.


At 12:09 AM, February 11, 2006, Blogger Archster said...


when will anythin of mine ever fit! but i try. i try.

wonderful post karuna! always nice to read something here.

At 12:09 AM, February 11, 2006, Blogger Archster said...

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At 1:15 AM, February 11, 2006, Blogger Jay said...

On Monday I was in a doctor's waiting room. There was a little kid, about 5 years old, running around screaming and tipping things over and making an absolute nuisance of himself. Then he flipped open a big dustbin and the lid fell right on his hand and he immediately burst into tears, howling with pain.

That made me smile.

At 2:20 PM, February 11, 2006, Blogger KM said...

whyd u mention the pants that finally fit!!!!

At 1:31 AM, February 12, 2006, Blogger A and A said...

It's always the little things man!! I be totally agreeing with you on that!!! Veryverymuchmuch! :D

At 3:52 PM, February 12, 2006, Blogger Living On Video said...

"Understanding exactly what you mean because ive thought it innumerable times, and again. You stole the words from my head and thought them, said them."

Yeah,that always brings a smile to my face..usually happens between me and my best mate.

..and what about when you have a fight with someone you really like and then after five minutes he calls back..hehe

At 3:28 PM, February 13, 2006, Blogger Casablanca said...

Clothes that fit. And shoes that look good. Mmmmmmmm... nothing ever comes close in terms of pure, unadulterated joy ;)

And yes, the post also made we feel warm and fuzzy. So add that to your list of small things - "making my blog readers smile" :)

At 3:05 AM, February 14, 2006, Blogger Frozenswirl said...

: )

At 12:38 PM, February 14, 2006, Blogger Mr. J said...

Yeh small things... You said it Pardner.

At 4:45 PM, February 14, 2006, Blogger Zette Remi said...

First time. Pretty cool blog you have here :-)

At 3:44 PM, February 15, 2006, Blogger dee iyer said...

u have been tagged by me.. yes yes , you have, go look. different from the other one..

At 2:31 PM, February 16, 2006, Blogger karuna said...

What with your running on the beach and rage against the treadmill...

You make me smile, laugh out loud actually :)

Actually I stopped fitting into them a week ago but then for lack of clothes and time to eat i decided i shud try them on again and voila

Wishful thinker:
Yea baby! Keep you happier longer even

Living on video:
Funner still when it happens with someone your just getting ot know, or don't knwo to well.

Still working on understanding the shoe factor, and its impossible for me to find clothes that fit so...

hey how do u knwo ananya?


uh huh

why thank you :) I like you already

Ms. iyer:
just after i finsih doing hte wishful thinkers tag.
Yes yes i will stop procrastinating... eventually.

At 9:47 AM, March 03, 2006, Blogger pr!tz said...

So very true...sigh!


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