This is the funnest style of writing ever, thank you. Anyone who has tried it will agree. I make up words, very often. I don't think its schupid as long as people get what you mean. Maybe someday i'll have my own language and dictionary. This is my seventh post in this style. I have always believed seven is my lucky number. It is a random claim, based on my birthdate. I am insalubriously indecisive. I don't have a favorite colour, food or book. When making a decision I experiment or spend an eternity in concentrated contemplation eventually deciding on more than one thing. I currently own nine different colours of osho chappals. They are not my favorite footwear, just comfortable. Bombay winters are the bestest. So is cookies and cream ice cream. You can make your own by putting crushed oreos on vanilla ice cream. I am such a control freak I actually enjoy making my own lunch and dinner. It turns out just like you want it. Pity life doen't always turn out just the way you want it. If it did it might be boring. I just contridicted myself. Kinda. I hate hypocrits and liars. I like languages and music and music in different languages. So do most other people. Its amazes me that every person is unique and nobody I know is normal. Normal is relative. It is not neccecarily a good thing. Genius lies in eccentricity. I only know one such genius. She has an anonymous blog somewhere out there. Genius is relative. Blogging is addictive. It eats into my time. I'm scared I will have to stop. I always wanted to go to boarding school so that I could learn horse riding. I want to move out at twenty one. I probably won't for lack of funds. I would like to learn the salsa again. I never have a partner. I haven't yet found a good class that doesn't need one. I am feeling incredibly dumb at this stage in my life. It is not a good feeling. Often I am happy and sad at the same time. Its stange that paradox is plausible and oxymorons are not moronic. I have developed a talent for monologues... random prattle as you will have it. I do not understand why people call when they have absolutely nothing to say and absolutely no inclination to carry on a conversation I am desperately trying to kickstart. I could go on like this forever. But for now I will stop.