Go Goa!
Its finally here. It's going to be a long stormy day.
Significant in more ways than one.
But i'm all packed up again. I enjoy the (pseudo)nomadic life.
The train departs 10:55pm, CST, Mumbai.
It will have a bunch of mad-hatters on it. Mad hatters with a guitar. Guitar=Noise.
A mis-matched lot, thrown together by circumstance and chance. Held together by joyusness and people persons.
The guitar is a glue that seals the deal, and we will be off.
To the land of beaches and bums. Sea and seafood. Pools and Pahhtaayyyss.Fun and fantasy. Love and lathargy. Sun, sand, swimming and so much more.
To a "city" that really doesn't sleep.
A place where I am well versed with hospitals and damage control.
A state that is reminiscent of wish you were here and the rest.
Becoming a part of the great migration, accross states and seas, where we all converge but only for a week to bring in the new year.
Goa, we will arrive.
Happy new year everyone!
Until next year then...